Alvita Tea App

Tea is not known for being an exciting product. This new app was created to change that perception and excite the brand. It aims to educate a younger generation and long-time tea enthusiasts on the healthy benefits of tea and the versatility of our teas. It also presents tea as not just a beverage but an essential part of an overall healthy lifestyle. We also showcase a catalog of recipes to open up fresh new ways for using our teas to flavor your favorite foods.

One of the critical features of Alvita tea is the exact steep times for each tea that help you get the maximum benefit and flavor. For this reason, we have built a steep timer into the app along with the pour size and exact water temperature. This kind of attention to detail goes into the craftsmanship of all of their teas. Another key app feature is the Tea-Totaler, which tracks your tea totals, allowing you to visualize the teas you have been drinking and know the impact on your well-being.


Client: Twinlab
Agency: In-house
Creative Role: Creative Direction
, Designer.
